


Markets of Freedom

To achieve a proper economic and political foundation in order to uproot the traditional values of our economy and help guide our “progressive” society into a new dawn of succession. The ideal notion that a new mechanism cannot become the center of human civilization but must serve as a tool in the context of civilization. The new mechanism being that “radical” markets create a unique sense of departure from what is familiar/traditional, but also in the sense of going back to our roots of ideals that underlay the greatness of nineteenth-century political philosophers. A set of ideas that started amongst a smaller group of enthusiasts but soon pushed to a larger, growing community of people, passionate about finding ways to make the world a better place. This technological milestone known as Bitcoin has surpassed its programming network roots to inspire individuals to provide a platform to increase its notability and potential.

The radicalization of markets through technologies, like Bitcoin, advance economically historical traditional values, expanding into new dynamic ecosystems that revitalize the principles of freedom, competition, and openness in a traditional market that is combined of both stagnation and inequality, creating “stagnequality”. It is essential to to reform stagnequality by building upon the knowledge of Bitcoin in hopes to properly shepherd its growth in order to conceivably eliminate domestic ignorance. Thus allowing for the full prosperity of open markets that embody the idea of decentralization upon free markets, transitioning into a commemorative beginning of economic and individual succession. Although Bitcoin originally was utilized on the dark web, its true intent was to hedge against the centralized corruption of fractional reserve banking that contributed to the 2008 recession. The impassioned Satoshi Nakamoto grew inspiration from the late eighteenth and nineteenth-century philosophical radicals (Adam Smith, Henry George, John Stuart Mill), who developed new ideas that have played an enormous role in the development of our modern market based economic system and of liberal democracy. These cultivated reformists lived in a time where they inherited an environment that could not keep up with the changes in technology, demographics, and entrenched privilege that blocked efforts to promote equality, growth, and political reform. Their vision and conduct combined the libertarian aspirations of today’s right with the egalitarian goals of today’s left and are the shared heritage of both ends of the standard political spectrum. Satoshi Nakamoto reignited this ideological presence.  Evidently, the goal seem as simple as to inspire and partake in generating new forms of domestic monetary policy, and overall financial liberty for the individual.

An education that prospers the radical minds with opportunities to approach the quest for a more functional society, one that does not interfere with ingenuity, but rather prospers a new generations’ approach that embraces the idea that strong societal and political institutions are necessary and must be designed, built, tested, and maintained with great care to achieve greatness. To gain an unimpeachable education that embodies all academia, while more importantly advocating for student’s entrepreneurial initiative by creating an atmosphere of refining individual capabilities to achieve excellence. One could say that perfection is not attainable, but what I hope to gain is being placed in an environment that sees impracticability as nothing but an unambitious perspective. This embodies the ideals of greatness by generating the persistent dedication of obtaining ‘Arete’, evidently creating systemic remodeling. I want to learn, educate, and create with the individuals around me, where we take small, but progressively impactful, steps of opportunity to catalyze original concepts like the notable partisans of the past centuries.

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♠️Michael Hewitt

The Rise of Socio-Technical IdeologyThe Rise of Socio-Technical Ideology
